Warm in the Belly

I love this mishmash "recipe": 

Store bought organic red pepper and tomato (low sodium) soup as the base. I let it simmer in a Dutch Oven on stove top for about 20 minutes on medium, as I assemble the rest:

Cook Prep: For one person, I make 1/2 cup of yellow couscous and steam cauliflower. Then chop up leftover chicken breast and sauce for about 10 minutes on low in extra virgin olive oil, adding diced clove of garlic, salt and pepper; then add small spinach leaves for about a minute to soften and warm.

Once the soup is warmed, I add the ingredients to the Dutch Oven soup base: All the cooked prep, plus half-inch pieces of scallions (personal choice of size), a few sprigs of parsley, about 7-8 yellow raisins, and tablespoon of coconut flakes. 

Stirring gently, I cover the pot, and turn the heat to low. I let it warm for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally to let all the flavors soak in. Soooooo good!

