This Tunisian soup had more ingredients and steps than any recipe I’ve ever tackled (pathetic, but true!) I waited until I had a solid couple of hours, to take my time, be patient going from the recipe to the stove, carefully measuring and hunting for spices hidden in racks that had not been open in years, to test and taste the ingredients and adjust the recipe (which i love to do).
And when it was done… every bite was warm and refreshing – an awesome contrast of fresh parsley and cilantro with vibrant spices (cumin and Harissa) plus a kind of sour and mouthwatering note of capers and green olives… an acidic splash of lemon – toasted croutons to absorb and balance the flavor and a hard boiled egg cut in half to brighten the soup with a beautiful colored yellow and soft white.
I loved making this dish! Not just pretty to look at, but simply delicious. I was unabashedly proud of making it :)
Recipe Source: